It would be stating the obvious when I echo the fact that a Great Reset is desperately required to set the nation on the right track & in right direction. For, we have become incredibly ridiculous beyond comprehension

We have:


  • leaders who are incompetent, ineffective & disregardful of the people. In fact, we reward failures. Look at what happened in the ‘transformation’ from Muhyiddin to Ismail Sabri. It was an absolute farce. The same failures were re-appointed and even a convict was appointed as Economic Advisor recently. This is totally unheard of, even in the darkest corners to the world
  • a broken ‘democratic’ system that bypasses the will of the people. It defeats the purpose of democratic processes & mocks the mandate of the people when the fate of the nation is dependent on the treacherous acts of political frogs who would betray & trade their mandate for personal gains. It is a shameful act yet it is has become a norm, with SDs traded & positions granted as reward without any regard to the people
  • weak leadership whose only way to stay in power is by bloating up the cabinet & doing so entirely without merit. There are way bigger countries with way smaller cabinets. This also result in scores of dubious, useless & redundant ‘penasihat bertaraf menteri’. I have yet to hear a single contribution from any of these lot. And has any of the Duta Khas actually been to the region that they are supposed to represent the country for?
  • a heavily compromised separation of power doctrine. Too much power vested in the PM & Minister of Home Affairs to appoint agency / branch of government heads, which then allows the manipulation of such agencies to behave in ways that is advantageous to them? Example: Connections to some political VIPs in the MACC has resulted in the lifting of millions of confiscated funds right under everyone’s nose. This is, as some in MACC say, just the tip of the iceberg
  • absence of accountability even in the highest office. Example: One can’t simply shirk the responsibilities by feigning ignorance on one hand and then claiming to have contributed so much to the country on the other. The country lost billions of ringgit under his direct stewardship!
  • systemic and pervasive corrupt culture across the board & at all levels & evident in everything they do. Even the management of the dead for burial entails the greasing of palms & extortion of the unfortunate who have lost dear ones. We have seen more compassion from animals
  • the blatant abuse of powers for personal and party gains. I don’t know where to begin on this. Perhaps using the national coffer to strengthen one’s pollical campaigns and unequal allocation of funds to constituencies, depending on which party the rep is from. Also, threatening rakyat there will be no development if they voted for the opposition
  • the milking of GLC via political appointments. Did you know that Irwan Siregar held 23 positions in the Boards of various GLCs (mostly as Chairman) while he was the Secretary General of Treasury? Or that under Isa Samad, parcels of Felda’s strategic lands were transferred to a company without a single sen? Next, the abuse of 1MDB and SRC by none other than Najib Razak. Too many other examples to quote such as Tabung Haji, Felcra, LTAT, KWAP etc
  • racially divisive politics. Unfortunately this is working rather well for them. Racial hatred has been propagated to the young as evident in SocMed. This may take decades of undoing but so long as votes be made on racial lines rather than meritocracy or integrity, we are done for
  • money politics that is rampant. It happens at every PRK, PRN, PRU in plain sight yet no actions are taken by the EC. Buying of votes, donations into personal accounts without proper audit, buying of ketua kampungs and imams by sending them to Hajj or Umrah
  • double triple standards in the application of law. This speaks for itself. We all know what it is
  • questionable independence & appointments of law enforcement & administrative agencies. Selective prosecutions, double standards, DNAAs, etc. Law enforcement & administration should be fiercely independent & fear invoking. For that intent and purpose, they should be appointed and reporting to the Parliament. Not the PM or Home Affairs
  • a hypocritical government that claims to be working for everyone vis-a-vis #KeluargaMalaysia but when the budget is presented, it shows its mostly for certain group of people. And RM1.5b for Jakim? Seriously?


  • Absolute power, political patronage & unquestionable leaders. Why did 1MDB happen they way it did despite having highly paid Board of Directors and top Management? Everyone submitted themselves by unquestionably carrying out the bidding & will of the PM, who is also the FM as well as Advisor
  • royalties whose timber licenses should be revoked before our heritage is stripped bare from us. The power and roles of the royalties should be checked. There I said it

On the other side of the equation, we have to change our mindset. No longer must we accord the ‘VIPs’ such elevated status, as their purpose is to serve us, not the other way round

Voice out and question the ‘leaders’ on matters that matter. If we can be so vocal about the name of a liquor, we should be vocal in matters that impact us & the country

We have to inform ourselves, and not be ignorant

We have to erase the mindset that normalize corruption

We have to punish traitors of mandate by rejecting them in coming elections. The power is in our hands

We have to question them, and demand answers. Not be guided by blind faith

We need to focus more on principles and lesser on personalities

We must recognize and reward based on merits. Government aids should be based on real needs, not by race. The sooner we get there, the more we will be focussed and united

We have to discard hatred amongst one another and focus on how to make the country progressive & great




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